These first two pictures were sent in by FM in 2003. He writes: "The Congress Plaza is an historic old Chicago hotel that faces Grant Park in Chicago, IL. The main floor urinals are from this century, and have motorized disinfectant systems, as well as convenient ashtrays."

These last two photos were sent in by MK in 2012. He writes: "Hey, I noticed that the urinals of the Congress Plaza Hotel, Chicago, Il. had already been documented, but in 2003, so when I visited in August 2011 I thought an update was required. So here it is. Note the new tilling work, the ashtrays and disinfectant systems have been removed and 3 of the urinals have been replaced, but thankfully three of the old ones have survived. I also included a photo of the urinals on the 2nd floor restroom outside the convention rooms, note how the three units are connected to one flush valve."