Located in Willard Straight Hall, these fixtures are some of the remaining classics that no doubt once dominated campus facilities.

Robert Purcell Community Center, also known as RPU, has recently been renovated to feature stylish new dining and recreational facilities. Some two thousand incoming freshman each year will experience these new facilities.

Sage Hall is home to the Johnson Graduate School of Management. Sage underwent a dramatic renovation, restoring one of the oldest structures on campus to what is now a new and remarkable building.

Sibley Hall is one of the buildings occupied by the College of Architecture, Art and Planning.

Students in the College of Engineering quickly develop a love/hate relationship with Olin Hall - most love to hate it. Lecture halls that used to seem like torturous dungeons have recently been upgraded to high-tech teaching facilities.

The above installation is found in Clara Dickson Hall, which is a freshman dormitory on Cornell's North Campus.

These urinals are found in the recently renovated Noyes Center. Named for Jansen Noyes, the building houses a community center and a dining hall for students living on Cornell's West Campus. While predominantly a freshman residence area in years past, West Campus dorms are now reserved for upper classmen.

These fixtures are found in Phillips Hall, a building which houses the classrooms and laboratories for the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, commonly known as "Double E". This building is located on the Engineering Quad.

Located adjacent to Phillips Hall on the Engineering Quad is Upson Hall. This building is mostly used by students in the Computer Science department, but also by the department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering.

The Statler houses the School of Hotel Management, as well as this bank of urinals.
Far above Cayuga's waters - Cayuga Lake, in New York's Finger Lakes region - Cornell is known to alumni as The Hill.
Far above Cayuga's waters
With its waves of blue
Stands our noble Alma Mater
Glorious to view
Lift the chorus
Speed it onward
Loud her praises tell
Hail to thee our Alma Mater
Hail, all hail, Cornell!