This picture was sent in by RB. He writes: "Named after [President] Wilson's Secretary of the Interior (Franklin Knight Lane), Lane is a beautiful building. Unfortunately, Lane's reputation as an academic institution has become rather tarnished. My son's HS baseball team recently played a game here. There's a field house by the ballfield, which was MUCH warmer that the 28 degrees we endured to watch the game."
"I taught at Lane for 6 years (90-96). Lane is considered a Queens High School by the NYC DOE, but the mail gets sent to Brooklyn. Here's why: the boundary between Brooklyn and Queens cuts through the school, just west of the Principal's office. Since his or her office is in Queens, DOE treats it as Queens, but the bulk of the building is in Brooklyn. That said, you can locate it either way, whichever you and your awesome website [would] prefer."