"CINCINNATI, OH, August 27, 2008 – The finest restroom in America is the five-star Hermitage Hotel in Nashville, Tennessee - says the Internet public who cast online ballots in the 7th annual "America’s Best Restroom" contest presented by Cincinnati-based Cintas Corporation, a leading provider of restroom hygiene products and services.
"The 2008 contest attracted nominations from a wide cross-section of businesses, including restaurants, hotels and museums. Ten finalists were selected based on exceptional hygiene, style and open access to the public.

"Commissioned by 250 Nashvillians in 1908, The Hotel Hermitage (named after Andrew Jackson's Hermitage estate) opened its doors on Saturday, Sept. 17, 1910. The new hotel, which would change its name in the 1940s, advertised its rooms as "fireproof, noiseproof, and dustproof, $2.00 and up."
"Only the finest materials were used: Italian sienna marble in the entrance; wall panels of Russian walnut; a cut, stained glass ceiling in the vaulted lobby; Persian rugs; and massive, overstuffed furniture.
"Downstairs, adjoining the Oak Bar, was the Grille Room (now The Capitol Grille), which was originally planned as a rathskeller. The room was built by craftsmen imported from Germany and emerged as a private club for men only.
"As Nashville's first million-dollar hotel, it was the preferred gathering place for the city's socialites. It was the national platform for both pro- and anti-suffrage forces, and a national radio program originated from its famous dining room.