" With more than a century of skiing tradition, Norway's Holmenkollen national ski jump arena is a famous landmark in the international history of winter sports... Tourists from every corner of the world flock to Holmenkollen, which with more than a million visitors every year is Norway's most-visited tourist facility. It is an arena for everyone, all year round. No other sporting arena has like Holmenkollen succeeded in uniting elite sport, mass-participation sport and culture. Winter is naturally high season at Holmenkollen, when the arena is dominated by ski-jumping, cross-country skiing, ski orienteering, dog-driving, parallel slalom, winter games for the deaf and the Holmenkollen Ski Festival. The latter involves everything from the World Cup to the Children's Holmenkollen Day and the long-distance race the Holmenkollen March. But Holmenkollen is also a summer atraction and people come here for every kind of outdoor recreation: swimming, cross-country running, marathon, orienteering, cycle races, motocross, fishing contests, summer ski jumping and freestyle, dog and horse shows. In addition, Holmenkollen is the scene of a number of cultural events, of which the best-known is the Summer Concert, broadcast to several countries."