Hotel Northampton has this to say on its website:
"Welcome to the historic Hotel Northampton. Whether you're joining us for a special occasion, business trip, or family vacation, we wish you pleasant memories and the sweetest of dreams.
"Relax in the gracious elegance of this grand hotel's glass-enclosed conservatory...
Unwind at the lobby fireplace or retreat to the sitting area in your own room...
Refresh yourself in our exercise room, take a stroll around town, then enjoy a cocktail with friends at our tavern or café...
Free from the distractions and stresses of daily life, the Hotel Northampton is more than a place to sleep...
"Reflect on the lives, loves, and lessons learned within these walls. The carefully preserved architectural beauty, historic richness, and charm of this grand hotel, built in 1927, reflects founder Lewis Wiggins's love for Colonial Revival style and antique furnishings. Wiggins Tavern, established in 1786, was moved from Hopkinton, New Hampshire and reassembled on the site of the Hotel in 1930."