This picture was sent in by DonTaillis in 2004, along with this undecipherable message: "Well worth a visit, victorian splendour. Try the ones at the old pier 5 minutes walk from King Billy then call in The Minerva - a magnificent unspoilt pub."
Please note Phil Brown's comment below, it sheds some very interesting light onto these storied fixtures.
HS wrote in in 2012 to add some more color to the information about this installation. She writes: "With regards to the indecipherable description that came with the photo, the toilets are built under a statue of King William on his horse. [The statue] is located in the old town part of Hull which is known as [the] market place. The urinals themselves are one of the many installations that are on a "toilet tour" that is offered by [the] Hull city council which, for some strange reason, [is] quite popular. The toilets are all Victorian and are kept immaculately clean by paid attendants and very much well worth a visit. I also recommend visiting the facilities at the Hull Marina and at Queen Victoria Square."