These pictures were submitted by SS in 2003. He writes: "[These fixtures are located in] "The Social History of Architecture" men's room at John Michael Kohler Arts Center."
"New York Artist Matt Nolen created this work on commission. These three urinals, as well as three sinks, two stalls and all the walls of the restroom depict changing architecture styles from ancient Egypt to current time on one wall.The rulers of each period are depicted along the other wall. The restrooms at the Art Center were featured on the Discovery Channel's program, 'The World's Ten Best Bathrooms.' This urinal is named 'Lord.'"

"This urinal is 'The Pontiff'.

"This urinal is 'The Patron'".

"Another men's room at the Kohler Art Center was created by artist Ann Agee. Exclusively using a cobalt blue reminiscent of delicate Staffordshire ceramic dinnerware, Agee has depicted the many ways in which water is used, from car washes, to sewage plants, the shores of Lake Michigan and shelves of bottled water. The one urinal in the men's room is a humorous explosion of protozoans one would find looking at a drop of water under a microscope."

TN visited the Kohlher Arts Museum in 2009 and sent us another set of photos of these fascinating installations. Here is another shot of "The Patron".

And this is a view of "The Pontiff" where sandwiched between "The Lord" on the left and "The Patron" on the right.

Here is another look at the Ann Agee urinal from TN.