This picture was sent in by KW in 2004. He writes: "The roofed but otherwise open-air facility consists mainly of a series of laundry sinks, similar to those you can still find in parts of rural France... The sinks are furnished with a continuous supply of fresh water from a nearby waterfall, and get a lot of use by the local population. In full view of [the sinks] is this pair of urinals whose flushing pipe seems to have been out of use for many years. There are also 4 toilets with doors providing complete privacy."

KW sends in this update in spring of 2008. He notes: "On 6/8/04 you published my picture of the urinals built in 1962 at the lavanderia (open air laundry) in Baños, Ecuador. I revisited these last week, and can now report that they have been repainted and that -- as you can see in this new photograph -- they now have a functional perforated flush pipe. "