LGA is located in the Borough of Queens, New York City.

The following 3 pictures were submitted by Eastbayray. The picture below was taken in the Marine Air Terminal.

He writes: "The Marine Air Terminal was the first terminal at La Guardia, built to handle Pan Am's flying boats with service across the Atlantic Ocean, and originally named the Overseas Terminal. During the early 1940's, the WPA commisioned a mural in the terminal, the largest such piece of art financed under that historic agency, and it can still be admired by travelers 50 years later. Today, the Marine Air Terminal is home to the Delta Shuttle, featuring flights to Boston's Logan Airport and Washington DC's National Airport, utilizing 6 gates. It is assumed that the original urinals at the Marine Air Terminal have been retired from use, probably long ago."

The pictures above and below were taken in Hangar 7. Eastbayray explains: "Located adjacent to the Marine Air Terminal are a series of historic hangars, including the featured Hangar 7. Originally built to service flying boats, today Hangar 7 is home to Port Authority Administration Offices and some firefighting personnel. These old-school urinals stand proud, reminding us of the historical significance of this part of La Guardia Airport. I am proud to affix the Urinal Dot Net sticker in this location. "