RK submitted these first two images in 2007. Max's Allegheny Tavern "...was originally built as the Hotel Rahn in 1903... it is located on Pittsburgh's North Side."

"The bathrooms, appear to be original and intact."

These next two images were sent in by JH in 2014. He writes: "I finally made a pilgrimage to this legendary establishment for the food, and wasn't disappointed by the fare. I wasn't surprised that the loo was in keeping with the rest of the place, either, but three original floor-length urinals is noteworthy in and of itself, even if it's barely possible to capture all three in one shot since the room's narrow. Searching the site I wasn't surprised that someone else had already posted on it, either, but since I didn't see the date those were posted, I can at least report that all's well at Max's, and the loo's still intact."