Wikipedia confirms: "The Musee des Tissus et des Arts decoratifs is a museum in the city of Lyon, France. Located in two XVIIIth century hotels particuliers of Lyon's 2nd arrondissement, the institution consists in two distinct museums although they are administered as one : the Musee des Tissus (Museum of Textiles) and the Musee des arts décoratifs (Decorative Arts Museum).
"Founded in 1864, the Musee des Tissus et des Arts Decoratifs houses one of the largest international collection of textiles, the holdings amounting to 2,500,000 units. The collection spans a 4,000 years period, from Antiquity to present, and covers a wide range of techniques and all the geographical areas of the world. The history of Lyon'silk industry is particularly well represented in the collection.
"The Musee des Arts Decoratifs holds works in many different fields : furniture, majolica, drawings, jewelry, painting, sculpture etc."