This Pemex is located on the outskirts of Mexicali, Baja California.

These fixtures are found at the Pemex location in Otay, Baja California, immediately adjacent to the US-Mexico border fence. Otay is a suburb of Tijuana and is the location of the Otay Mesa border crossing. These first two photos were taken in 2003.

The pictures above and below were taken at a Pemex in the border town of Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, Mexico in 2008. This largely rundown border crossing town is located just south of the southern terminus of I-35 in Laredo, Texas.

This Pemex station is located along the stretch of Mex-54 highway between Zacatecas, Zacatecas and Saltillo, Coahuila. It's located near the town of Santa Cecilia, immediately north of the point in the road where it crosses the Tropic of Cancer.