These first two images were sent in by Mr. K in 2007. This particular fixture... "is located about 430 feet straight out to the northeast of the Stockholm C front entrance... Nothing more than a fancy metal circular wall, with a metal hinged door. Inside is a very simple hole in the 'funnel shaped' cement floor that one can only wonder if it goes directly down to the sewer. On hot summer days, when the wind is right you can smell these non-flushing pissars over 50 feet away!"

"This pissior is located on the southeast corner of the Nobel Museum on Källargränd. Taken the same day the one near the main train station in 2005, and again, probably in a more festive scheme than what it may look like today."

A about a month or so later in 2007, JH sent in these bottom two photos of the same fixture. He writes: "I see that you already have one of my old favorite (it always seemed like you should, but I'd never been able to find it until now, when I show up with shots I took). I have used it many times over the years. These were taken May '07 showing the new, sadly drab color scheme. If you walk straight out the front door of the main train station (Centralen, aka T-Centralen) in Stockholm, slightly to your left across Vasagatan there is a short street that leads to Klara Kyrka (Klara Church). The pissoir is to the left at the end of that street. The inside is stainless, otherwise the whole thing would have disintegrated long ago. In the '80s, when I lived in Stockholm, and well into the '90s, it was located behind the Royal Palace and was painted in the more festive scheme shown in the shot posted by Mr. K."

This latest update was sent in by Mr. K. in 2008. He notes: "Here is an inside photo of the pissior that I submitted a while ago [above]. You may want to edit the text as my memory was not so good when I said that it had a "'funnel shaped' cement floor". It in fact has a metal grate, perhaps the grate was not there the day in 2005 when I saw it for the first time. If you look closely you can see an additional drain cover below the grate. Oh well :)"

This next batch of images was added by Mr. K in 2009. This first picture was taken "on Skanegatan right across the street from Skanegatan 68 between Gatgatan and Katarina Bangata."

The pictures above and below are of the same installation on "Asogatan between Sodermannagatan and Nytorgsgatan"

"[This one] is a newer dirty green bumpy one, it is at the intersection of Tjarhovsgatan and Gotgatan just west of the nearby skateboard park."

These next few images are located near the Nobel Museum. All of these were sent in by Mr. K. in 2008.

This photo above was sent in to us by The DML in 2010. Her associate writes: "My trusty source was downtown Stockholm yesterday and she snapped two photographs of [this pissior that is currently being repaired]. When she saw the location last week, it was completely missing and I feared the worst. But on Saturday May 1st 2010, it was returned to its rightful place. It looks as if it just went into the shop to get regular maintenance and a new paint job. Gone is the drab all-green look and back with the Salmon, Slate and Teal colors. Note the spire on the top is incased in styrofoam and held up with a stick to keep it secure while being shipped. The Pissior is currently closed as there is some final exterior work needing to be done but it should open shortly."

These next two photos were sent in by JH in 2011. He notes: "[Here are] two more pissoirs for your already-existing Stockholm category, on Karlavagen - a fashionable and lovely boulevard with a double treelined median, which among other things forms the northern border of Humlegarden (hops garden), a huge park which until ~1640 was the Royal Hops Garden. "

This photo was sent in by TC in 2011. It was taken in the Kungstradgarden, a park in central Stockholm.

This photo was sent in in 2013 by JH. He writes: "Another addition for your folder of pissoirs in Stockholm, [photographed] almost exactly a year ago. This is typical of the inconspicuous ones found outside of the city - this one's at Morby centrum, the last stop on one of the orange Tunnelbana (subway) lines north of the city, beside the bus hub. My bus was just arriving and a patron had just entered, so I had to snap this one quick before he came out."

The next four photos was taken by a member of Urinal Dot Net staff in 2015. This urinal is located at the corner of Osterlanggatan and Packhusgrand in the Old Town part of Stockholm.

This installation is located nearby in Old Town at a square called Tage Erlanders Plats.

These next two photos was snapped at the outdoor installation in Axel Landquists Park.

The next two photos were sent by MrK in 2016. This installation is located adjacent to the Ragsved T-bana (subway) station.