This large installation is located in the Cathedral of Learning on the campus of University of Pittsburgh. This first photo was sent in by TE in 2006.

The next three photos were sent in by JH in 2008. He writes: "First, you already have a shot of a bank in the Cathedral of Learning. The Department of Biological Sciences is across the street in Clapp and Langley Halls. Clapp, contrary to what I'm sure you suppose, is named for George Hubbard Clapp, who was one of the founders of what became Alcoa. (He was replaced as Treasurer there by Andrew Mellon, who donated the $1M to purchase the land the Cathedral of Learning sits on in 1921)."

"Conjoined to Clapp Hall, Langley Hall is named for the astrophysicist Samuel Langley, director of the Allegheny Observatory, Professor of Astronomy at what is now the U of P, and subsequently third Secretary of the Smithsonian. His 1890 publication on infrared observations enabled his Swedish colleague Svante Arrhenius, to make the first calculations on the greenhouse effect. (Perhaps the Langley Hall urinals may someday be coupled to miniature hydroelectric devices.) The second, smaller, bank of urinals there is in the same bathroom, around the corner in the first shot, to the left. Seventeen urinals (not counting the one that's out of order) in one academic bathroom!"

This last photo was sent in by JH in 2014. He writes: "Clapp Hall, at the University of Pittsburgh, where I worked for 16 years, is about to be largely gutted. On the 3rd floor, where I worked, there were no porcelain facilities close by, so the largely unknown one almost right above my lab on the penthouse-esqe 4th floor that held mainly animal facilities became my almost-private porcelain facility, accessed by an almost-unknown narrow staircase. In the last few years it was even a unisex facility - one with a pair of urinals - how rare! I expect I won't see it again, and so took a farewell pause there today. It served me well!"