Ravi set up this urinal and took these photographs. He writes: "Here I am sending details of my newly installed Home Urinal System in my rental house. I got this new 'Home Urinal System' from a company in Kansas which manufactures and sells cute Toilet bidet also. This Home urinal costs just Under $ 80.00. This Home Urinal does not require extra space like other urinals. No removing or remodeling of anything. No plumber is needed to fix. This comes with few parts. 1. Four way plastic adapter to connect under flush tank. 2. Supply line from adapter to urine bowl. 3. A brass control valve with a sprinkler to control water flow. 5. White color small plastic urinary Bowl with pipe from bowl to outlet. (This can be connected to bathtub out let or to toilet bowl or separate outlet in the rest room if there is any)"

"Note: fixing of Urinal was very easy. I fixed this in my rental apartment with no extra cost. Performance of small Home urinal is amazing. It is odor free and maintenance free. This has solved many problems permanently like Cleaning of toilet bowl, lifting and closing the seat & lid... Flushing and wasting of water. Most important point is this will not disturb our regular usage of toilet. When we use toilet we never feel there is a small bowl behind us. This unit is fixed on to toilet flush tank with the help of two metal clamps. So it stays in the same place. It is very easy to operate. It consumes less than half (1/2) liter of water every use. Normally toilets consume more than 6 liters of water every time. Since water flows while urinating bad odor will be dissolved..."