These photos were submitted by NW. He writes: "The Reformatus Gimnazium is located near the Corvinus University, on the banks oft the river Danube in Budapest. When summer comes, the courtyard becomes a temporary outdoor pub. Known as �kert�, that means garden, many of these ruins bar stand in some special places, like building roofs, private gardens or public building courtyards. Kerts were illegal during the communist era. They were in hidden places such as abandoned building but today, kerts are the place to go when you visit Budapest! Toilets are the ones of the gymnasium. There are three different shapes in one place, some are disabled and it�s a very nice place for those who like urinals like me!"

To the best of our understanding, the above paragraph is telling us the following: "Baár–Madas Református Gimnázium is an educational institution located near and affiliated with Corvinus University. It's located on the banks oft the river Danube in Budapest. When summer comes, the courtyard is converted into a temporary outdoor pub, known locally as a "kert". Kert maens "garden" in Hungarian and a lot of kerts are found in out-of-the-way places around Budapest, such as rooftops, private gardens and public building courtyards. Kerts were outlawed during the communist era and operated underground in abandoned buildings and the like. Today, kerts are the place to go when you visit Budapest! These urinals are found in the Gimnazium building itself. Three different models of urinals were installed in one men's room and some were out of order. It was very interesting to see for someone like me who likes urinals"