"This is a picture of the urinal from Robinson Hall, third floor, from the restroom on the west side of the building."

This installation "...from the student center [is] from the middle floor by the patio."

"The Campbell Library is named after the soup people who gave enough money to get a building named after them. This urinal is located on the 3rd floor by the circulating collection."

"Bosshart hall is the current science building scheduled to be torn down in 2003. These urinals are on the 2nd floor."

"Rowan hall was named after Henry Rowan, who gave the school a boatload of money to have the name changed from Glassboro State College to Rowan University. The swank restroom with these urinals are found on the ground floor."

"Westby Hall is where most of the art education takes place, these urinals are from the ground floor."