This picture was sumbitted by Sg. He provides the following info: "Saltair was originally constructed in 1893. It rested on over 2,000 posts and pilings, many of which remain and are still visible over 115 years later.
"Intended from the beginning as the Western counterpart to Coney Island, Saltair was one of the first amusement parks, and for a time was the most popular family destination west of New York.
"The first Saltair resort was destroyed by fire in 1920 but a new resort was built nearby. With a huge new dance floor – then the world's largest – Saltair became better known as a dance palace, hosting the great travelling bands of the day, such as Glenn Miller’s.
"Disaster struck in 1931, in the form of another fire which caused over $100,000 in damage, then again in 1933 as the resort was left high and dry when lake waters receded.
"Following its closure during WW II, attempts over the next decade to breathe new life into the resort finally ended in 1970, when a fire was set in the center of the wooden dance floor, again gutting Saltair.
"It was rebuilt once more in 1981. Concerts and other events have been held at the newest facility, but by the end of the 1990s, Saltair was little more than a memory.
"While there is occasionally activity of one sort or another at the site, today’s Saltair is all but abandoned, sitting behind gates and fences. A small gift shop is all that remains of this once-thriving and exciting amusement palace.