"The College of Agriculture is one of SIU's most renowned colleges. It emphasizes the development of food, agricultural and natural resources. Other departments within include forestry and landscaping. The entire college makes up about more than two-thirds of SIU's total campus area."

Allyn Building

Altgeld Hall

Anthony Hall

"The Art Building was originally a glove factory that probably went out of business due to outsourcing."

Beef Evaluation Station
College of Engineering, Materials Technology Center

Communications Building

Davies Hall

"Faner Hall is the largest building on campus. Built in 1971, Its unique structure is to protect it from riots. It contains many classrooms, a computer lab, a rooftop courtyard, and the campus museum."

"Grinnell Hall is one of the two dining halls in SIU's University Park, one of SIU's residential areas. The building contains a dining hall, mailrooms for the Brush Towers, a newly furnished gathering room, and Grinnelli's Pizzeria."

Henry J. Rehn Hall

J.W. Neckers Building

Lawson Hall

"Lentz Hall is a dining room for Thompson Point, the other residential area on SIU's campus. This building contains a dining room, a TV and game room, a small exercise room, laundry facilities, mailrooms for all of the buildings in the area, and Cafe Latte."

Lesar Law Building

Life Science II Building

Life Science III Building

Lindegren Hall

"Lingle Hall is a small hall attatched to the SIU Arena."

"The Metabolism & Physiology Research Labs are located at SIU's University Farms. Not only is it laboratories, but a riding arena for the equestrian section next door. "

"Morris Library has 7 floors of books for SIU's students reference. The library is currently being renovated. All materials have been moved to the Library Annex until the library is finished, which should be late 2009." As of early 2007, this restroom was demolished.

Northwest Annex

"The Old Baptist Foundation used to be an old church. It has now been converted into a music recital hall."

Parkinson Laboratory

"Pulliam Hall, originally University High School, was one of Carbondale's two high schools. This building has the clock tower with a functioning carillon."

Quigley Hall

"Shryock Auditorium had many performances and exhibitions. Many presidents held speeches inside."

"The Student Center is referred to as 'The Center of it All.' This place has all of the luxuries of a small mall including a McDonalds, Subway, Freshens, a bowling alley, bookstore, food court, a "Hot Dawg" stand, auditoriums, Old Main Cafe and more. This building is also the home of a radio station and SPC-TV a student run channel. This bathroom, located near the ballrooms probably contains the original fixtures the building had. The remaining restrooms have been refurbished and the fixtures replaced."

"The Student Health Center was newly added on to the Student Recreation Center. All health services for the students are here."

"The Student Recreation Center has many athletic activities and facilities including weight rooms, an olympic size swimming pool, a gymnasium, an indoor track, and many classes for physical education."

Technical Careers Annex

"Trueblood Hall is the other of the two dining halls in SIU's University Park. This building contains a dining room, mailrooms for the other buildings in the section, Cafe Latte, and a computer lab & study lounge."

"University Hall was recently acquired by the university. This hall has all the amenities of home including mailroom, dining room, small swimming pool and TV room."

Wham Education Building

Wheeler Hall

Woody Hall

"This pic is from the newly built McLafferty Annex on SIU's campus. For the next 3 years, the McLafferty Annex shall serve as the library as the original Morris Library undergoes renovation. It features shelves that move on tracks that are controlled by buttons on the side. Quite an innovative feature for a temporary structure."

"The Brush Towers (Neely Tower, Schneider Tower, Mae Smith Tower) are the three tallest structures on the SIU campus (and Carbondale in general) and are the easiest to find. Each tower is 17 stories tall (18 if you count the cupola on top) and houses hundreds of students. The Neely Tower was the first tower built in 1965. The other two were built in 1966."

Schneider Tower

Mae Smith Tower

"Abe Martin Field is home to Saluki Baseball. Two troughs dominate the restroom here."

"The SIU arena is not only home to Saluki Basketball, but many other events. Construction of the Arena began in March, 1962. The first event held at the Arena was Commencement, 1964. Since then the Arena has hosted some of the top names in show business, as well as numerous university and community events. Performers and events at the Arena have included Garth Brooks, Reba McEntire, Elton John, James Taylor, Nelly, Larry the Cable Guy, The Harlem Globetrotters, The Ringling Brothers Barnum And Bailey Circus, Dave Chapelle, KISS, Aerosmith, Bob Dylan, Lord of the Dance and much more."

"The Campus Beach is a small beach directly across the Campus Lake from Thompson Point. The beach features both swimming and volleyball."

"Charlotte West Stadium/Rochman Field is home to Saluki Softball."

"This photo is from McAndrew Stadium on SIU Carbondale's campus
McAndrew Stadium is home to Saluki Football and is located right in front of
the student center. This huge stadium is set to be rebuilt by 2009 if
enough funding is raised by then.
This restroom is located near the entrance on the side opposite the
announcer's box. This particular bathroom had a door that latches and is
made for people who are handicapped. It is impossible to get a picture of
the large restroom with several of these fixtures in a row due to the

"This photo is from the Safety Center on SIU Carbondale's campus. The Safety Center is the location for SIU's Motorcycle Riding Program and Advanced Driver Education. The office building where this photo comes from is right next to a garage with many motorcycles for rent located within. The area's huge practice riding lot can be seen from the small street that runs by it. It is tucked away in the forest about a block from the Campus Beach."

"This photo is from the Dunn-Richmond Economic Development Center. This building is located on the far south tip of campus. This is a professional building with many businesses within. The only student-related activities that go on within are the students working as building employees."

"The Forestry Bulding... was originally the US Forestry Building but was donated to the university a few years ago. The south half is the Paul Simon Public Policy Institute while the north half has offices dedicated to soybean research. This restroom has a huge sign on the door clearly saying 'Staff Only'."

"The Micro Imaging and Analysis Center is a small building located near the Agriculture Building and contains several scanning electron microscopes."

The Wall & Grand Apartments "...reside at the northwest corner of the two streets of the same name. This complex consists of three buildings, named Building 1 (the large building), and 2 & 3 (twin smaller buildings.) Buildings 2 & 3 consist of only apartments whereas the larger Building 1 has also a lounge, mailroom, convenience store called 'Essentials' and the main desk for the region. This restroom is located within Building 1."
The SIU College of Applied Sciences and Arts is located approximately 10 miles from the main campus.

"Here's a photo from the newly renovated Morris Library. After being closed since 2006 and gutted down to the frame, the library was given a major facelift and opened in 2008."