This photo was sent in by KW. He writes: "Isambard Kingdom Brunel's famous ship was launched in 1843. It was by far the largest vessel afloat, and was the first iron steamer to cross the Atlantic, which she did in 1845. After over a million miles of passenger service, the hull was eventually abandoned in the Falkland Islands, but in 1970 was towed back to Bristol and installed in the very dry dock that had been constructed to build her. Restoration has proceeded continuously since then. This antique style urinal can be found on board".

This next photo was sent in by Dominic Rowe, the PR and Communications Coordinator for ss Great Britain. He writes: "I am contacting you from Brunel’s ss Great Britain regarding a new addition to our attraction that may be of interest to you. I notice that you have previously talked about urinals here. On Sat 25th May we are launching a new soundscape in our Victorian Pissoir. I have attached a press release with further details and an image.
"I would be delighted if you would let your readership know about the addition as we are keen to raise awareness of the beautiful cast iron, restored pissoir."