"The Tap Room has an interesting history. With Michigan about to dry in 1916, the need for a new blind pig was evident. With $5000 borrowed from the local brewer, king brewery, the tavern was built in 1915. In 1916. the bar was moved to the basement, the first floor was converted to a gaming room complete with dumb waiter, and the 2nd and 3rd floor apartments became a brothel. A full service entertainment center! All thanks to Carrie Nation."
A.S. kindly supplied more information on the Tap Room's history: "Ever see the old movies where somebody knocks on an alley door and the eyehole slides open and the guy outside says he knows somebody...."
"During prohibition, the coast of the Detroit area (the Detroit River, up to Lake Huron etcetc) was the busiest booze bootlegging region in the country... the mob gangs would sneak the booze over from Canada. With so much hooch floating around, different companies and mob gangs would set up underground bars to serve their wares and a thirsty city.