These pictures were submitted by Ben Hur. He writes: "These are the urinals used by the [International Security Assistance Force] (IASF) soldiers at TV Hill radio/communications station. It is located on top of a hill (called TV Hill probably because of its use as a civil broadcast station) quite in the center of Kabul. It serves as an important relay station for ISAF military communication and is therefore permanently manned by a crew of comms soldiers and, for protection, a bunch of infantrymen. Quite restful life up there."

"I don't even know much about these. Don't ask me where those pipes lead to. Might be just some way into the ground and that's it. There's a wire grid in the pipe preventing you from filling it with rubbish. You urinate into them. You have a great view over the eastern part of Kabul and the minefield directly below you while urinating... The spanish contingent had similar installations inside Camp Warehouse (the main ISAF camp in the perimeter of Kabul)..."

"The installations on TV Hill are necessary because the road up there is too bad for the mobile-chemical-toilet-emptying-trucks they have in the camp and at other ISAF posts own in the city."