This first 17 pictures seen here were sent in by an independent contributor in 2001. These fixtures are located in the Ceramics Building.

The pictures immediately above and below were taken at the David Kinley Hall.

These urinals are located in the Englash Building.

Lincoln Hall.

The picture above was taken in Mumford Hall.

This picture was taken in the basement of the YMCA building on campus.

Noyes Laboratory of Chemistry.

The fixture above and the 2 sets of fixtures below are all located at the Transportation Building.

U of I Armory.

Wohler's Hall.

These urinals are located at the U of I YMCA at the Urbana-Champaign campus.

These urinals are located at the McKinley Foundation Building.

The fixtures above and below are located in different mens rooms in the Natural History Building.

This last picture was sent in by GC in 2009. He writes: "These urinals are on the Third Floor, southeast corner of Lincoln hall along west side of the Quadrangle, University of Illinois. As funds are appropriated for long-overdue remodeling of the building, these water-wasting pedestal urinals will be replaced. Standard Madstone Urinal on Right, similar to those of Grand Coulee Dam, Hoover Dam, etc. has a valve that sticks, thereby wasting much water. Valve is behind marble partition. This is a rear spud model, whereas the other urinals [I] mentioned have top spuds."