These photos were sent in by Levern/Shanks. He writes: "Here is a set of urinals in the Mathematics Building at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver. This building opened in 1925, and the motion detectors above the syphonic cisterns are a recent addition to conserve water supplies. This allows existing plumbing to remain is place without costly replacement."

"Here is a set of urinals in the Mathematics Building Annex at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver. This building opened in 1925, and there is a motion detector above the siphonic cistern, a recent addition to conserve water supplies. This allows existing plumbing to remain is place without costly replacement."

"The Hennings Chemistry Building at the University of British Columbia opened in 1947, and these Crane urinals with a step up platform appear to be original. Note the motion detectors connected to control valves above the syphonic cisterns, which help conserve water supplies. This allows existing plumbing to remain in operation without expensive replacement."