The above image was originally submitted by RH in 2001. The one below was snapped by Mel Litzenberger. He writes: "The actual urinal is the granite structure with plants sitting atop it, on the right half of the picture... this is "a motion activated, "waterfall" urinal! Upon entering the restroom, guys will approach the ceiling to floor window, before which stands a granite wall. Immediately upon sensing his movement, water begins flowing over the wall, transforming it into a plant framed waterfall. In reality, the waterfall is the urinal! Where else is it possible for a guy to "attend to business" while looking out at the sea 11 stories below all the while moving along at 22 knots? This is the most talked about restroom at sea!" The ship does was most likely crusing a Western Carribean week-long itinerary (Jamaica, Hispaniola, Mexico) when the picture was taken."

The most clear depiction of the Urinals of Voyager of the Seas, above, was submitted in 2006 by AL.

This latest photo shows the same installation during nighttime hours. It was sent in by RC in 2010.