This first photo was taken at the Wal-Mart located in the Chicago suburb of Vernon Hills, IL. Wal-Mart is currently the largest private employer in the US, employing 1.3 million people in America, and well over 1.8 million worldwide.

This image comes to us from the Latham, NY store.

This picture was taken at the Newburgh, NY location.

This picture comes from Ithaca, NY. All of the above photos were taken by NEK in 2006.

This photo was taken by SB in 2008 at the Wal-Mart on Chickasaw Trail in Orlando, FL

And this picture was taken at a store in Rochester, MN. It was sent in by EM in 2010.

This last photo was sent in from the new Wal-Mart locaion in Austin, TX. It was sent in by TW in 2011, who writes: "These low flow urinals are by Zurn which is part of the Jacuzzi company. They claim to use only one pint of water per flush The company claims that another advantage is that they require less maintenance than waterless units."