The picture was submitted by William. He writes: " I would like to submit this picture of the urinal I recently (this past Sunday) installed in my home, in Ringgold, Georgia. She is a Crane "New Colburn" 4992, mounted with the lip 24 inches above the basement/garage floor. The valve is a 3/4-inch bronze ball valve by American Valve, and has performed quite satisfactorily so far. "About two weeks ago, my wife spotted this fixture, an open-box special, on the super-clearance pile at Lowe's for $15. She asked me, "Should I get a cart?" I replied, "You bet!" All told, I have about $50 of hardware invested into this installation, with the labor all performed by yours truly. "Locating a urinal has been an epic for me, having been on the search for nine months. I dislike taking my shoes off when traveling upstairs to urinate,... so I viewed installing a urinal as a near-necessity. Nobody wants to pay the full price for a pisser in the basement, which is what led to the ultimate use of a ball valve, versus a Zurn Aquaflush (or similar style). "The shelf/bracket was required to stabilize the pipe above the valve to reduce flex on the plumbing, and serves a dual-purpose holding the (wife-mandated) hand sanitizer and the occasional beer. In the end, I am much happier, we save water (less per flush of the urinal versus a toilet), and I maintain a better state of hydration when working in the basement/garage or yard.
"I must add that I enjoy your web site quite a bit. Keep up the great work!"