"During the Japanese occupation of the Korean Peninsula from 1910 to 1945, the Imperial Army made its headquarters at Yongsan Reservation near the Han River in a southern suburb of Seoul. After Japan surrendered to end World War ll in 1945, U.S. military units were sent to the Korean peninsula to accept the surrender of the Japanese forces in the area south of the 38th parallel. North of that line, Soviet troops took over from the Japanese. One area the arriving American units moved into was Yongsan, which means Dragon Mountain. U.S. military occupation forces -- led by XXIV Corps and the 7th Infantry Division -- provided order, security and administration of the government pending establishment of a single government for the entire peninsula...
"Today, Yongsan Garrison occupies some 630 acres of land just south of Namsan Mountain. The post is divided into three major areas: South Post, North Post and Camp Coiner, with several smaller adjacent areas. One hundred and sixty tenant units occupy 1,225 buildings with a combined floor space of more than 4,750,000 square feet. Access between units is provided by 20.4 miles of paved roads. Additionally, the post provides all the support facilities associated with a small city; i.e., a hospital, a fire station, a police force, commissary and exchange facilities, schools, theaters, clubs and restaurants, a hotel, sports and recreational facilities, water and sewage treatment plants and emergency electrical power. USFK has about 2,500 military personnel assigned to the quad-command headquarters and support agencies at Yongsan. They are augmented by about 1,000 U.S. civilian and 6,000 Korean civilian employees. More than a thousand KATUSA soldiers work at Yongsan, and some 3,500 military and civilian employee family members reside on South Post, Hannam Village, a contract housing area east of South Post, or on the civilian economy in neighborhoods adjacent to the compound."